This afternoon after school Ken and I went out looking for gopher dirt to fill my other two raised garden beds. We drove around for about 2 hours and we could only find enough to fill one of the two tubs we have in the back of his truck. It takes 3 loads with both tubs filled to fill just one of the beds. I know Bill Murry in his role as the Caddy Shack grounds keeper would be jealous of our shortage of gophers.
It's probably just as well. It rained recently, and the dirt is really really heavy. Ken can't lift because of his weight restrictions, and I thought that dirt was enough to give me a hernia. Well, it was good exercise, what little I did, and it's better than coming home, and crashing and then not being able to sleep tonight. I don't think I'll have any trouble sleeping tonight.
Love that movie and the gopher. Now I've got the Kenny Loggins' theme song stuck in my head. Thanks!