Today was very tough for all of us. I had a tough time sleeping last night. Between having everyone here, the work, the training, and then the great escape, I was physically and emotionally exhausted. When I settled down for the evening last night, I zonked out for about an hour and a half sitting upright on my couch. Then when I did get up to go to bed, I had difficulty getting to sleep. A big part of it was having had the nap, but I also ached all over and I was freezing and it wasn't that cold out. Today, I realized that I had wind burnt cheeks and arms, which resulted in a fever. This isn't the first time this has happened to me.
So anyway, I didn't get a lot of sleep and the dogs woke me up at the crack of dawn, literally. I pottied them and brought them up to bed with me for awhile, but that didn't last long. I was exhausted this morning, but I decided to train them both early with the fence...Oh my, it was not good. After the escape I had to make sure they both learned their lesson. I set their collars at the lowest level to give a shock as well as the buzz and vibration warning. Neither of them liked it but Joey was truly traumatized. Buddy is quickly catching on and I was able to train him a second time today, but Joey didn't even want to come out of the house several times today. She was mopey, and distant with me. She didn't bark all morning. Buddy picked up on her attitude. So we were all sort of sad today.
This afternoon, I went to Ken's and spent some quality time with him, which fortunately did include a short nap. When I got home everyone was right as rain. I'll be training them both tomorrow, but I'll try to get Joey to play with me in the yard first and then I'll gradually get her to test the boundaries with only the vibration and buzz level. I feel so bad about having to do this, but I would feel worse if she ran away and got hit by a car.
In some strange way, I'm sort of glad to be getting back to school tomorrow.
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