Today was an exhausting, unquestionable success. We all worked our butts off, especially my brothers, Bruce and Scott. They mowed, trimmed, whacked, and everything else you can imagine to my yard...except spray weeds, which Bruce regretted not bringing his sprayer. He has very high standards for his yard, and mine didn't come up to snuff. We also cooked and ate outdoors. That was a lot of fun. And when we weren't working, we were sitting around the patio enjoying each other's company. And they put in the underground, invisible, electric dog fence.
It worked wonderfully. It appeared that both Buddy and Joey caught on right away. I didn't think Joey would ever again leave the patio where she didn't have to confront that snapping line of little white flags. The flags are meant to help train the dog visually. And it was so nice, after Buddy figured out the boundary, we were able to play fetch and he was able to run in the yard, really for the very first time.
After everyone but Ken left, he, the dogs, and I went into the house and just relaxed for awhile. We were both pooped, and so were the dogs. I eventually put them in the basement for the night. They were so quiet. They are never that quiet. I figured that they would sleep through the night.
When Ken was about to leave, I thought I'd take the dogs out for one last potty stop. Here is where I made my fatal error. Instead of putting them on leashes, I put there new collars on. Buddy and Joey wrestle around and chase each other a lot...well, when they went out like that, they got up such a head of steam, they went right through the fence line. Ken and I chased them for blocks and blocks with several close calls with cars. It was horrible. I probably would be chasing them still if it wasn't for some folks who helped us out. And I also would have had a tough time getting them home if it wasn't for the fact that Ken had gotten his truck. Buddy got the truck. I carried Joey home cussing her the whole way. Joey's the one who likes to run. She thinks it's all a game to have us chase her. Joey essentially coaxes Buddy. I'll really have to train her well from now on. And it'll be a long time before I take them out together with just their collars and no leashes.
I feel bad. Ken sacrificed his pieces of rhubarb cake trying to draw Buddy back. And we had him once with that, but then he slipped out of his regular collar.
What a night. I probably lost 5 pounds from all of that, but I also probably lost 5 years off my life as well. But we are all home now and all is well.
Holy, dog chase, Bat Girl!! There's bound to be some snaffoos during the learning curve. Sounds like you had a productive day that was slightly overshadowed w/ a chase scene. And it's usually the chase scene that gets all the hype!
ReplyDeleteI'm just glad that the chase scene didn't conclude with a spectacularly destructive crescendo. The little close calls were bad enough.