It appears the dogs are waking me up later each day by increments of about 15 minutes. By the end of the summer I'll be waking up at a respectable hour. And then of course, I'll have to start getting up at an ungodly hour again.
This morning I woke up achy. I'm especially finding it painful to bend over. But given my activities yesterday, it's to be expected. I went to Ken's about noon. Had lunch there, let Ken beat me at a game of Scrabble, and then I talked him into helping me get more gopher dirt for my second raised garden bed. He was amicable about it yesterday, and we had good luck. We weren't out 15 minutes and we hit pay dirt, if you'll pardon the pun. It was such a good source, I talked him into going back and getting a second load, which we did and topped off that second bed. Only one more to go.
So yesterday, I took each dog out on a long walk. I mowed half my lawn, and I hauled tons of dirt a five gallon pail at a time. No wonder I'm a bit stiff. I think I was trying to get all my summer activities done in one day.
Today, I had both dogs walked even before breakfast. We were done by 7:30. I have to finish mowing the lawn, and then I'm going to go fishing with Ken. I've found that I don't really like fishing, but I like to sit outside and read. If he catches any, I'll cook 'em up.
Oh, I have started back on my diet in earnest. I'll take rice cakes, carrots, and water for snacks. I still haven't tried fruit again. I'll wait for a day when I stay home.
I wrote a comment monday afternoon, but for some reason it didn't get posted. MAybe it my computer, KEN