To say that my dogs are spoiled rotten is a gross understatement. There is nothing with which we can quantify their degree of being spoiled. Like most males that I know, Buddy does not like his stuff messed with. Whenever I need to vacuum, he throws his "toys" out of their basket as fast as I put them in. It's worse when I need to clean up the basement. No matter how disgusting it is, he doesn't want me to mess with his beautiful stuff. However, our greatest battles are over his blankies.
I'm not really sure how it happened, probably with one of his instances of thievery, but Buddy and Joey have their own collection of rags. There's nothing that satisfies Buddy like the sound of ripping material. However, their rags or blankies, get incredibly disgusting on a very regular basis. I have to try to pick them up off the floor as quickly as possible, frequently blocking Buddy with my butt, so that he doesn't snatch it away before I can throw it into the washing machine. Seriously, I have to do this about every other day. If I'm not fast enough, Buddy will play tug of war with me indefinitely. And if he gets the better of me, he runs upstairs with the gross thing, which means I have to run up and down the stairs once again. I bought this house thinking that having to go up or down the stairs in order to go to the bathroom would be good for me. I'm sure it is good for me, but the dogs are my primary reason for going up and down these days.
And the thing is, I don't leave them without blankies. I give them a different, clean set every time I take up the dirty ones. Anyone have any old towels you want to get rid of? I know where they can find a new home, in the dog house with Buddy and Joey.
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