The picture above is Ken with his recent trophy fish. It's a bullhead, but I'm a true Iowan. I don't think there's anything wrong with bullheads. They taste like catfish, actually, they are in the catfish family. He only caught the one the other day, but he can freeze it and when he catches more, we can have a fish fry.
I made some more of those homemade dog biscuits, and in the process, I believe I've created a couple of monsters. These two dogs won't leave me alone. They constantly want dog cookies. I have noticed that they haven't been eating as much of their dog food, and at least, I know what went into these biscuits and I know they're healthy. The next rainy day, I'll have to make multiple batches and freeze a bunch. I better not make any human cookies any time soon. That would make them insane.
Today, I didn't count my calories, but I was very conscious of what I ate, and only ate moderately. I'm going to try this for awhile. I'll keep up my high level of activity and I'll try that moderation thing and see where that gets me. If I find it's not working, I'll just go back to counting calories.
If you know me well, you'll know that I'm compelled to shake things up on a regular basis. I can't help myself. But there's a reason for this. In the past, if I slipped on the diet, I'd think, "What the hell. I've already screwed today up. I might as well really enjoy myself." I don't think I can go day-by-day. I have to go hour-by-hour, maybe even minute-by-minute.
You're the original "mover-and-shaker"!! I have confidence in you to make this moderation thing work, especially since we're going to be walking A LOT this summer!
ReplyDeleteIn other words, I don't know when to leave well-enough alone. So far so good. Ok, last night, I probably ate too much chili, but I made sure I didn't have an evening snack then. I don't know if that equals out, but in the long run it just may very well do that. Today, Saturday, the 22nd, I'm going to my parents' for my brother Bruce's birthday celebration. This will be a test.