You know how after a vacation you can feel like you need a vacation from your vacation, well that's exactly how I feel about this past weekend. I need to get to work so that I can get some rest! It was difficult getting up at 4:30 this morning, but this is the last week of classes for the semester, and next week is exam week. I'll be really busy, but it's time for this semester to be over.
Hopefully I'll have enough students for my Fast Track Composition I class that's supposed to immediately follow the semester and last for two weeks. I really could use the money. But if it doesn't go...well, I'll survive, and it'll be good to have the time off. I'll be able to get more exercise and to really work at the dieting thing in earnest. However, if the Fast Track doesn't work out, I'll have to watch not only the calories, but the bucks much more carefully.
Well, I better get going. I want to walk to school today.
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