Panic has set in. My Comp II students' final research papers are due. They've been constantly in and out of my office. Up until now, they've been practicing writing papers. Now, it's the real thing. Their final papers are worth 25% of their grades. I want them to be anxious. I want them to appreciate the importance of knowing how to write a good research paper, but their rising panic tends to aggravate my own anxiety. And because we had so many snow days this semester, in order to get everything in, I've really had to cram it in at the end, so I have a LOT of papers to grade over the next couple of weeks. I really get tired of them and I'm always tired at the end of the day.
This anxiety has NOT helped my dieting. I've especially been vulnerable when I come home at night. I've been good right up until that last hour before I go to bed. I know I should do something at that time, mow the lawn, clean the house, anything, but I'm so tired, I can't seem to get myself in gear to do these things.
I've made plans that most of my family will be coming here this weekend to help put in the invisible dog fence, and to celebrate my sister-in-law's birthday. Maybe because I'll need to clean the house and get ready for that event I'll be good for the rest of the week. I hope so.
If "Finals Week" is known as "Hell Week" then we must be in Purgatory right now!!