It's raining again today, and I'm glad of it. I have to work and it's so much harder to sit in front of a computer when I want to go out and play. Going out to play for me means going out and work in the yard/garden.
I know next week people will ask me what I did over the weekend, and when I tell them that I graded papers, they will then ask whether I got caught up. I've come to believe that "Caught Up" is a mythical land like Never Never Land, or Narnia. It seems, especially this time of the semester, the only time I ever reach "Caught Up" is when I reach "Deadline." I can't complain though. It's the journey I've chosen to take, and it's all in the journey. I experience and learn every step of the way.
On another note, it appears my diabolical plan is working. The other day, Ken asked me what I was going to be cooking this weekend. It seems that he's been liking the healthy food I've been cooking for him. Tonight, I think it will be tilapia. However, in the past, I've only fed him foods that I had already tried. This time, it'll be a recipe I haven't tried before...this could become dicey.
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