I've said several times on this blog that when I'm tired I think I'm hungry. Well, today, after work, I was exhausted. I had to run down to Ken's and do a few things for him. While there, I fell asleep for a short time. When I got home, I ate right away after taking the dogs out...and after eating I felt rejuvenated. I had enough energy to play with the dogs for awhile and straighten the kitchen up a bit. I'm still doing rather well.
So, apparently, sometimes I get hungry and I think I'm tired too...so, what the heck do I do? I guess I need to eat a little bit when I feel this way and if I'm not rejuvenated, then I get some rest. It's paradoxical and rather unfair. I also feel rather stupid that I can't even tell what my body is telling me.
Love the picture! Your post made me think of something my dad always says...."Eat when you're hungry, drink when you're dry. If the whiskey don't kill you, you'll live till you die."