Every morning, my morning routine includes preparing my lunch and my breakfast and recording those meals in my diet log. And a couple times recently as I put the date in the log that I'll never see this day again. There will never be another April 23, 2010. I know you're thinking, "Well, duh!" What I mean is that it's been a reminder to me that I need to be mindful of each day I have. When you spend your time grading papers, it's easy to look at each day as the the one before it and on down the line.
I think this is a healthy realization. Every day that I go to put the date in my log I'm going to intentionally remind myself that I'll never see this day again, and try to live that day as if it is unique. I need to be mindful of all my daily experiences and live in the moment, and not just the weekends. I think this will make me a happier person, one who relishes life beyond all else. It's not "Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we may die"-type of attitude. It's eat and drink each moment because it is so fleeting.
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