Although Spring Break has been wonderful, I'm afraid that I also took a big break from my diet. However, tomorrow I start back to school, and I will get back on the wagon. I learned a few things about myself during this process. One of the things that I learned is that the late night hours are my weakest. It's been easy to stay on the diet up until now because I've been going to bed at ridiculously early hours. If I'm going to stay up past 8:00, I have to have some sort of strategy in place. For instance, last night, I picked up my crocheting again. That should help. I've also found that doing some sort of domestic project in the evening helps. I started work on my porch and I cleaned the basement (nasty job) in the evening over break. Either that, or I simply need to go to bed. I'm much stronger in the morning.
So, the bad news is that I've gained 3 pounds...and although it'll be like starting over, I know I can do it. The good news is that I've really gotten a lot done during break. I had my mammogram, my allergy shot, and a blood draw. I've sanded and put primer on my porch floor. I've cleaned the basement, I've reorganized and cleaned my spice cupboard, I even started to rake the yard.
So everyone who's reading this, please, send me good vibes. I need to get my act together, and I'm determined, but I do believe in the power of emotional support. I need yours right now.
After discussing it with Mari, it dawned on me how pathetic it is that I was feeling so guilty about cheating that I avoided writing my blog.