I know not everyone is terribly excited about the new Health Care Law. I personally don't feel it's done enough. I believe we need to go to a one payer system...but that's not why I'm writing. I am very happy that one element of the Health Care Law is that restaurants with 20 or more places of business HAVE to give calorie counts on their menus. One of the most difficult things about dieting is eating out. And with today's industrial food system, what may look like a harmless hamburger can contain hidden sugars and fats. This may actually force them to provide more calorie conscious offerings. I'd like to see all restaurants do it. It's not that hard. You weigh and measure the ingredients and figure the calories. If I can do it at home so can restaurants. It would be nice to walk through the threshold of a restaurant and not feel as though you're committing a mortal sin. And I think it will be beneficial to those who aren't dieting as well. Are you as likely to order that delectable dessert if you know that it contains 1500 calories. That's more than I eat some days.
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