I finally finished my grading at about noon today. What a relief. After I had lunch, I decided that I'd tackle the patio. My patio essentially acts like a bowl during the winter and it fills up with snow and ice. As I said before, with everything going on with Ken this winter, I didn't get my patio furniture away for the season. So, I got the patio furniture pulled out of the snow and ice, I sprayed them down and left them in the garage to dry off. Then I tackled the patio. It's not perfectly clean, but I took a big chunk out of it. I had to come in and warm up once, and then went out and finished it. Hopefully the sun will be cooperative and I'll be able to finish it off over the next couple of days.
Then after changing and warming up, I decided to give Joey a bath. She was sort of gross. Buddy is always chewing on her. Dog drool is like hairspray. It can be nasty. And Right now she looks like a miniature sheep dog. She needs a hair cut. I just scheduled it and I can't get her in until Good Friday. She was a very good girl during her bath. Buddy was obnoxious afterwards. It's as if I live with the Tommy and Dick Smothers of the dog world. He's in the basement right now because he drug me across the patio when I'd taken him out to go potty. I think he knows he was naughty. I haven't hear a peep out of.
Now that the patio is mostly cleaned off, Ken can come and visit me here. I've missed having him here. I'm very excited about it.
Tomorrow, I need to cook. My fridge is almost empty. I didn't do much cooking while I was grading papers.
I loved the Smothers Brothers Show!! What a great description for the dogs.....Buddy is definitely Tommy, right? Nice to be able to see your patio again!