For those who have been wondering, the sweater survived. I must have gotten it into the wash soon enough that the red wine stains didn't set. Whew! But Buddy's nose still has a light wine stain on it. And it's going to stay there until the hair falls out, or maybe it'll come out next time I give him a bath.
Actually, I should probably do that some time soon. He really enjoys it, and although we haven't done much this winter to warrant it, he's probably due for one.
I've mentioned dogs in my previous postings, but only Buddy has had a starring role. I also have little Joey. I've attached a picture of the two of them together above. Joey is my sweet little girl. She helps me stay sane by keeping Buddy company. Mind you, that's not to say that she can't be naughty, but the two of us together form a unified feminine line keeping our major masculine companion in check. Right now, Buddy is in the basement and she's lying at my feet, and the house is peaceful, at least for the last two minutes. Sigh!
Whenever I take the dogs out to potty, which is about every 10 minutes, I wistfully contemplate my lilacs. It seems as if this winter will never end. I miss the warmth and the pleasure in the outdoors so much. And I really really want to get my garden started.
On a more positive note. As of yesterday, I've lost two more pounds. So, I've dropped 52 pounds so far. Send positive thoughts my way that I can keep this up.
I'm also really excited. I picked up some shrimp yesterday. I love seafood, and especially shell fish. However, except for some prebreaded shrimp for deep frying and oysters, I've never cooked it before. It's probably because my parents never cooked shellfish. My mom's allergic to it. Shrimp is such a great diet food. It's really low in fat and calories. I have so many different recipes, I don't know which one to try first. I'll make that decision today, and I'll be cooking tomorrow. I'm really excited about this!
Congrats on the most recent two pounds and for all 52 of them!! Glad your sweater survived. Loved your point about the "unified front" against Buddy. Such a sweet picture of the two of them, and you can certainly tell who the alpha pooch is.