I've just gotten past a plateau. Everyone who has ever dieted can tell stories of the dreaded plateau. I was stuck at having lost 50 pounds for weeks. What's more disturbing is that my weight would fluctuate. One day it would be 50 pounds and the next it would be 48, etc. etc. It's very frustrating especially when I'm being especially good. And now that I'm past the plateau my weight has been dropping even though I've been rather bad. As of this morning, I've dropped 56 pounds. Of course, I could hit a plateau again tomorrow.
Some people are of the opinion that you should only weigh yourself about once a week or even once a month. I've done this in the past, and it is very effective in that I don't get freaked out by the dreaded plateau. Dieting is after all mostly a mind game. However, I've come to believe that I should weigh myself every day...ok, sometimes I go over board and weigh myself several times a day and that isn't necessarily good. But in order to control my weight once I've reached my goal, I'll need to weigh myself every day in order to determine whether I should limit what I eat for a while or not.
In regards to maintaining my weight, Ken gave me this formula from somewhere. Weight maintenance is equal to 12 calories per pound per day. Knowing this will make maintenance all that much easier.
Ken and I tried a chili rub on a steak today. Ken has always been more particular about meat being cooked well-done than I have and because of my concern for this, I overdid it a bit. I didn't burn it, but it was well-done and sort of dry. It tasted good, good enough that I think I'll try it again, and when I do, I'll definitely share it with you.
Notice the "parfait" glass in the picture. This is one of a set of glasses my grandmother gave me. My mom and dad are finally retiring, and my 95-year-old grandmother recently moved to a different apartment. So both Mom and Grandma have been downsizing. For some reason, they seemingly have designated me the keeper of the glass. Whether it's china or glassware, I've been given it. I don't know if it's because I'm the only daughter and the oldest granddaughter, or maybe it's because I don't have any children, and it is less likely to be broken. I don't know if they are aware that I believe in using things rather than keeping them stored away for eternity. So, anyway, this set of glasses were my great great aunt Kate's. Apparently, she called them parfait glasses because she was a teetotaler, and wouldn't admit that they were wine glasses. It's hard to believe she was any part of my family! They do make pretty parfait glasses though.
This evening, after I got home from Ken's and then the grocery store, I made some Lightened Rice Pudding. It has too many calories for a dessert, but it'll be a great breakfast for me. I don't drink milk, but I do miss creamy foods. And it's really yummy and satisfies my sweet tooth. I scalded the first attempt and had to start over. It says to bring it to a boil, but do it very slowly on a lower setting. I think my stove runs a bit hot and I have to set things lower than the recommended settings.
1 cup long grain white rice
6 cups skim milk
3 large eggs
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom or cinnamon, plus more for garnish
1/2 cup golden raisins, plus more for garnish
1. In a large saucepan, combine rice and 5 cups milk; bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium; simmer, stirring occasionally, until rice is tender, 15 to 17 minutes.
2. Meanwhile, in a medium bowl, whisk together sugar, eggs, vanilla, cardamom and remaining cup milk. Slowly pour egg mixture into rice mixture; cook over medium-low, stirring constantly, until pudding coats [rice sticks to] the back of the spoon, 3 to 5 minutes.
3. Remove from heat; stir in raisins. Pour pudding into 6-quart casserole dish or large bowl; let cool to room temperature. Cover and refrigerate at least 1 hour (or up to 3 days). Serving pudding garnished with more raisins and cardamom.
Makes 8 servings at 303 calories per serving.
Tea-totalling grandmother....you're making that one up!!