Yesterday what started out to be an upward mood swing turned into a full-blown case of spring fever today. I had a terrible time focusing on anything. I do suffer extreme bouts of spring fever and always have. I'm antsy and giddy, and I really have to make an effort to get things done. Being able to be outside helps. If I could grab my tennis shoes and just start walking I'd be better off than I am so far this year... We'll see how the fever and the spring progress.
Given my current state, it's fortuitous that Mari and I had decided earlier in the week to make tonight one of our special movie nights. What makes these movie nights special is that we drink cocktails thematically chosen to correspond with the movie. For instance, when we watched a Jane Austen movie, we drank the ever so British gin and tonics. When we watched the movie Chocolat , we drank chocolate martinis. Tonight we watched the movie Frida, which is about the Mexican artist Frida Kahlo and we drank Margaritas. We especially like to try new drinks we haven't had or made before. It's sort of like what I'm doing with the diet. Half the fun is matching the drink to the movie. It's what you can expect from a couple of communications instructors.
Alcohol is not conducive to weight loss. But then, neither is tension and rigidity. I've got to let my hair down once in a while. This too in moderation can actually be good for a soul. I'll be doing this dieting thing for the rest of my life. If I tell myself I can't have an occasional drink because I'm dieting, does that mean I can never ever have a drink again? That's too rigid. I need to have some wiggle room, and some fun.

In planning our evening, Mari had mentioned chips and salsa. Salsa would have been great. It tastes wonderful and it's actually quite healthy, especially if it's homemade. But chips!!! I love chips, which in itself is probably a good indication that they're a problem. Yes, I've tried all sorts of "healthier" chips, and they pretty much suck. So, how does one eat salsa without chips? I don't mean like putting them on baked potatoes, I mean eating salsa as a snack. There simply has to be a better delivery system other than chips and short of spooning the stuff into your mouth. Hmmm? Maybe, I can use Tasida's sweet potato peels after all. :) Any suggestions?
Love that wiggle room!!!