Mom and Dad got a new puppy this week. A Pembroke Corgi that they've named Heidi because she likes to hide under the apartment heaters. She's as cute as can be as you can see from the picture here. However, I took Joey to meet her yesterday, and Joey simply was having none of that. Heidi would constantly chase after Joey. Heidi is a VERY friendly puppy. And Joey would stand her ground for a short while and then she'd leap up into my lap in order to get away from Heidi.
Joey wasn't frightened by Heidi. I think more than anything, Joey was exhibiting annoyance. Mom and Dad's neighbor's adult Pomeranian was acting just like Joey when around Heidi. I think the adult dog recognizes when a dog is just a puppy, after all, we can identify that puppy smell. They, with their superior sense of smell, certainly can tell. And when around a puppy, they aren't compelled to establish dominance or submission as they would with an older dog. I noticed, there was no butt sniffing at all. There were a few times when Joey would growl, and almost pretend to snap, but mostly she spent the entire time avoiding Heidi. Thanksgiving at my house should prove to be interesting this year.
Yesterday, I checked my weight and I lost 4 pounds last week. I'm not where I was last fall, but I'm getting there quickly. I'd really like to be there by the new year. After that, I'll proceed on to my goal. I'm very goal-oriented, and I really enjoy progress.
Heidi looks like she could just topple head-over-heels.....kinda like the dog in the animated "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" when the Grinch puts the antlers on the its head. I'd expect to see her walking around on just her fronts paws, but she is adorable.