I'm having Thanksgiving at my house tomorrow; therefore, I spent today cleaning. Well, this morning, while I was running errands, I decided to get a new toilet seat for my upstairs commode. I have to make a confession at this point, and because of Catholic guilt and the guilt my mother programmed into me, I find this very difficult to say, but I must. For you see, I am not a very good housekeeper. Oh, I've learned a few tricks, like always have a place to store things so the house doesn't appear to be very cluttered, but when it comes to deep down cleaning, I fall terribly short of the mark. So, undoubtedly because of my poor housekeeping skills, the underside of my toilet seat upstairs was stained and looked nasty. I tried all sorts of things to clean it and nothing did the trick, so this is what led me to think a new toilet seat would be a good idea.
I wasn't at all concerned about the installation, I had done this before and it was no big deal. So, on one of my many trips upstairs, I decided to tackle the toilet...more like the toilet tackled me. I could not get those damn plastic nuts off to remove the old toilet seat. I used every kind of wrench and pliers I could find. It would not budge. Then I got the brilliant idea of unscrewing the lid and seat from the hinges, which would allow me to turn the screw from the top as well as the bottom. That was actually a pretty good idea, and it did give me more access. It also committed me to the process. On one side I was able to hold onto the bolt from below and put a screw driver through the hinge hole and unscrew it from the top. However, on the other side, the bolt just kept turning in whatever I was gripping it with. After about an hour of this knee killing pain, I decided to take Joey for her evening walk. That was just what I needed. I remembered the small pipe wrench I had in the basement but had never used. It took me quite a bit of work, and figuring. I remember "righty tighty lefty lucy" but when I'm doing it at weird angles, I get very confused. But I eventually got that sucker off there. I would have made the most hardened sailor blush if he had heard the language I used on that toilet seat. But my throne is once again intact and I am proud of what I've accomplished.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving, and I can tell you that right now, I'm very happy and thankful that my upstairs toilet is once again functional.
Congratulations on replacing the toilet seat. Can't wait to tear up your carpet and tackle those hardwood floors!