I'm certain that I've lost a few readers during my absence. For those of you who've wondered about me...I fell off the wagon. I find that it's hard for me to write this when I've slipped up. So, get after me when you don't hear from me for awhile. I do believe it is possible for me to diet without the rigid calorie counting, but I have to be diligent. Is it me, but does diligent moderation sound like an oxymoron?
I slipped into this. I might give myself a little treat at home, like a can of pop, but then later Ken would get us ice cream cones. At some point, I just let it all go to hell. I haven't weighed myself lately. But I had gained about 8 pounds back the last time I did weigh myself. I'm certain that I've gained more than 10.
Like any other addictive behavior, I simply have to start all over. So starting tomorrow, I'll be counting calories again, for at least a while. And then I'll try the moderation thing again.
In addition, I haven't gotten a lot of exercise done lately. It's a poor excuse, but it's been raining a lot here. In addition, I've been trying to finish an afghan I'm making for my niece's wedding present. The picture above is a close up of what I've gotten done so far. I wanted you to be able to see the pattern.
Also, I we went to a wool and spinning conference last weekend, and I've been teaching myself to spin using a drop spindle. I've got new calluses and blisters on my fingers. It's always slow going when you're learning a new skill. When I'm feeling a bit more confident about it, I'll take pictures.
Today, someone asked me to share Ken's family's recipe for a custard rhubarb pie, so I'm going to include it even though it is far from a diet recipe. This is a recipe for the filling. I'll be honest and say that I make pretty good pie crusts. I use the recipe from the Fanny Farmer Cookbook except that I use butter instead of margarine.
1.5 cups sugar
1/4 cup flour
3/4 teaspoons nutmeg
3 slightly beaten eggs.
4 cups (approximately 1 pound)rhubarb
2 tablespoons butter
Combine the first 3 ingredients. Beat into the eggs. Add the rhubarb. Dot with butter.
Bake at 400 degrees for 50-60 minutes.
One step forward, two steps back. You'll get it figured out! Like you say, when it finally stops raining, we can get outside for some exercise. Plus some sun will do wonders for a more positive disposition. Love the afghan pattern!!
ReplyDeleteI'd rather think that it's two steps forward and one step back. Then I'd at least get somewhere, but the general idea is exactly that. Just make sure you get after me if you haven't heard from me in awhile. :)