I now know the true meaning of the word bitchy. Joey and I have started back in our routine of taking a walk early in the morning and when I come home from work. When I come home from work, she just gives me hell if I do anything other than taking her out for her walk immediately. Yesterday, after walking to and from school in the relative cold, she didn't even want to let me warm up for a few brief minutes.
However, I guess I shouldn't bitch about my little bitch. I probably wouldn't do much walking if I didn't have to consider her needs.
As I said, I have begun to walk to and from work, which is a little over a mile one direction. I was able to do it Tuesday and Wednesday. I wanted to walk today, but it was too cold out to wear a skirt out walking, and I didn't have any clean pants to wear. I suppose I could have worn my snow pants with the dress, but that seems a little overdressed for the weather we have, and I would have felt really stupid with snow pants on the walk home this afternoon.
It seems as if I'm ready for one extreme or the other, but not this mild stuff in between. Now that winter clothes are on sale, I bought myself some good, low, subzero boots, a face mask, a full-head stocking cap (can we call it that if it's not clearly knit?) and some thermal gloves. I'm set for next winter. If we have school, I should be able to walk regardless of the weather. Now, if it'll warm up a little more, I'd be walking to school EVERY day.
I know! Now I'm in the in-between clothing, either roasting or chilling! Oh, the dilemma!