In my last entry, I mentioned Mari's "Wine-d Down" parties. They are a lot of fun, but I really overdid it on Saturday. I know it's not a good idea to overindulge like that on a regular basis, but I think every once in a while everyone should blow off some steam. Believe it or not, my job is pretty intense. I have students communicating with me constantly. So, in a way, this is a good occasional occurrence.
However, one unforeseen consequence of this hell raising has been that it's affected my appetite. Only now, 3 days later, am I finding myself hungry in the least. But, by this time, I've grown comfortable again with a slight gnawing in my stomach. So, I've been eating very small meals. In addition, I've been walking a lot! I walk to and from school which is a little over a mile one way, and then I walk Joey twice a day. I don't know how far our regular route is, but I've guesstimated that I've been walking about 3.5 miles a day, and sometimes farther if I run an errand in the process. In addition, I've been starting to work on the yard...which looks like a long process. My lilacs really took a beating this winter. I have a lot of dead wood to clear. So, if it's not apparent, I'm burning off far more calories than I'm consuming. I expect the weight is dropping off. But I haven't been weighing either. I'm going to base my progress based on how my clothes fit.
For now, I've given up the "diets." I'm just going to try to eat light and exercise more. If I find myself drifting into my old bad habits, I might need to put myself back into a more regimented program, but I'd like to try this for a while.
Wish me luck, or maybe "Cheers!"
You forgot to mention the day after. :-) Ken