I saw my doctor yesterday. He took some blood tests and I haven't received the results yet, but he also told me to take Aleve...6x the normal dosage! But you know what? I've been doing it and I'm ever so much better. I still can feel a twinge, and I know when it's time to take more, but I can move and I don't feel 110 years old. I'm back to my more moderate and agile 85.
I even took Joey out for a walk in the cold this afternoon, and shoveled a path to my back door. That I only did a half-ass path is my modus operandi. :)
This evening Mari and I her daughter McKenzie and I are going to the college's Madrigal Festival. I'm looking forward to it. I'm feeling a bit Medieval. Ok, I really think it's closer to the Renaissance, but people rarely recognize that. This should be fun. I know most of the students involved, and I know they'll be pleased to see us.
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